Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tangled Adventures!

Hi blogollowers!
Its been awhile since my last post.  Sorry about that.
I have decided to stay home from school again this semester.  Don't worry my health is good still!  I made this decision because of my service dog, Pepper.  She needs more training to help her be the best she can be and I felt that staying home would be the best decision for her.  This way I am able to give her more attention through this training phase then I would at school with my busy schedule.  I plan to return in the fall, though given all the turns my path has been taking who knows if this will really happen!  

While I am home I am hoping to finally get a job!  While I wait (and probably even while I am working)  I have started an Etsy shop!  I have been wanting to do this for quite sometime.  As many of you may know I am a huge crafter.  I guess when you have spent most of your life sick and unable to do active things, you develop more sedentary hobbies.  For me this was crafting.  I can knit, crochet (yes they are different), bead and sew and all of these crafts will make an appearance in my shop.  My shop is a way for me to earn a little money and have something to do with all my projects, without getting on the hoarders show! Stop by and check out what I have for sale, also tell your friends!
Check out my shop here or by going to https://www.etsy.com/shop/tangledadventureshop