Hello blogollowers
Welcome to the new year! I hope you are all doing well and enjoyed the holidays. Today's post is a little different as the focus is not about my health but to give you some updates on my blog. After blogging for over 5 years (Yikes) I have finally added my own web address. You can still use the original one to find the blog but you can also find it by going to annathelemon.com. I figured it was about time to make things a little easier and run with my Lemon title. As many of you may have noticed I changed the background to feature the lovely lemon. I have also changed the name of the blog from on to new windows to Lemon Life. I figured it is about time to tie everything together.
As we say goodbye to the old name and welcome the lemon to the blog, I figured it is about time to explain the reason for the name. Growing up in the hospital there were two things I absolutely hated. being hooked up to a million machines and having to sit in the hospital bed. The two were very closely related as I was forced to sit in the bed when I was hooked up to a million machines. Anyway, other than when I was sleeping, and I use that term very loosely, I would not be found in the bed. At the hospital I grew up going to there was a window seat in each of the rooms and better yet a deep window ledge. BINGO! This was my spot. I could almost always be found sitting literally in the window. My mom used to call me the girl in the window, which lead to the name for my blog, On to New Windows.
I am hoping to make a few more changes in the upcoming months or year, you will just have to wait and see.
Until next time
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