Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Heatin up!

I am in Mexico!!!!!
I have been here since Sunday, which turned out to be perfect timing as it began snowing at home right as we left.  So far I am having an awesome time here.  It is amazing how much being able to breathe can change an experience.  Today we went to a place where the waves are really big. (there is a barrier island off shore from our hotel preventing the huge waves there). I was able to stay out in the waves with everyone for 2 entire hours!  We body surfed, dove through and floated enjoying our working lungs (though I may have appreciated my lungs a bit more then the others!)  I have also been able to run along the dock, walk a ways along the beach and even participate in volleyball (I'm not so good at this last one, but maybe by the end of the week).  
   There are of course a few challenges, (what's life without challenges anyway?) but overall it's way better being here with good lungs than without!

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